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Ultimate Solution to Water Pollution

Nikunja Sodagar

In last decade most of country facing problem with water pollution as well as scarcity of drinking water , they are unable to control water pollution whether they are developed ,developing or under develop.

We require to rethink with different approach, Why it happens,

First think human kind use natural resources without thinking about future , mentality is all natural resources are to enjoy life and facilitate their needs. As specially developed country has exploit earth. Now they are facing problem with their scarcity of natural resources and pollution. So, now they do not want to spoil more their air, water and land . So they target third world country they start to exploit resources of developing or under developed country .They are taking of advantage of weak government and economical weakness of developing and and under develop country,

Now , develop country import is going high they require to balance their import-export . To balance that trade developing country impose various treaty, international quality standards and according to that supplier or manufacturer of developing country has to satisfy inter nation criteria.

Further to fulfill that criteria developed country selling technology and consultancy at high rate to developing country to balance their import-export , in this way they settle import export accounts.

Now thing is that all the pollution control system and technology which sell by corporate giants are costly affair and they sell it by lobbying. But all the technologies has disadvantage and limitation. In that case we require to look towards mother nature how she maintain equilibrium in nature and control pollution naturally and we need to go back to nature.

For this first thing we need to under stand what is pollution . In Veda ancient script of Aryas says " Any thing more than required quantity is harm full " means any thing more than normal concentration in eco-system is pollution. Here normal means natural concentration in nature.

Now. think how mother nature keep ecosystem in equilibrium.

Simply study the various cycles like nitrogen, carbon , water cycle in eco system. If it lost any link from chain. cycle will be not complete smoothly and finally cycle stopped. Now just think how we put chain or cycle in its original form , simple by introducing links removed or lost.

Now we will see how it work with water pollution we require to introduce various micro-organisms to water and allow to grow same way allow some aqua plants and animals like various species of aquatic animal which use it consume it . and finally men can use that fish and aquatic plant for his purpose.

Its look simple. Then what is problem ? Problem we remove many link of chain and we make system unbalance. We required to reintroduce links.

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